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All reviews are written by and are the property of Rachael Towle. Additional information on books, including excerpts and images, are used with permission by the publicists. None of the articles used for this blog are to be used on any other website without permission.

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Friday, July 24, 2009

On Becoming Fearless... In Love, Work and Life (Review)

On Becoming FearlessAll women have fears. Whether it is the fear of loss, fear of growing older, fear of being poor, fear of being alone or even the fear of being overweight, fears come in every shape, fashion and form. Learning to overcome fear and facing fearlessness isn't a task easily taken. However, with the guidance of a fearless woman, fearlessness is just over the horizon. Arianna Huffington's latest book On Becoming Fearless … In Love, Work and Life is the hand reaching into the darkness to pull us away from our fears and towards a brighter future.

Over the course of the book, we are introduced to many different women, their fears and their fearlessness, including scholars, celebrities and the mom next door. The reader is intimately drawn in to the inner thoughts of fear and fearlessness these women behold. We see that over the last century, many women have crossed the paths of greatness and left a legacy we all can admire and even replicate for ourselves. But there's also the truth that sometimes, even our own fearlessness can be tested.

In the chapter entitled "Fearless in Parenting," we see how mythical the "supermom" really is, and how becoming a fearless parent means more than being everything to everyone (because as a mom, isn't that what we do?). Becoming a fearless parent is about being the best we can be, "and forgive yourself when you are not." Arianna directs the reader into the realization that being a fearless mom is to throw away the notion of perfection and to "embrace uncertainty and imperfection." No doubt about it, these are things Arianna's own mom taught her and is why she is so enlightened on the subject. If one mom can teach this to her own daughter, then it certainly can be taught from one mom to another mom.

Arianna exposes her inner thoughts and shares her own fears of the past. Her undying adoration and respect for her mother plays an essential role in her life as much as it does in On Becoming Fearless. Undeniably, Arianna's mother possessed a fearlessness not easily found in today's world. It's the legacy of her mom and the goal to live up to that legacy that makes Arianna the fearless woman she writes about becoming. From standing up to German Soldiers before she ever became a mother, to making the most out of every day and not letting a bump in the road slow her down, her mother was the epitome of fearlessness in Arianna's eyes.

On Becoming Fearless addresses more than just being a fearless mother, but also being fearless about the body, fearless in love, fearless at work, fearless about money, aging, illness, God and death, about leadership and speaking out, fearless about changing the world and ultimately living the fearless life. Every aspect of being a woman in today's society is covered, and antidotes to these fears are prescribed. Are you in fear of a dead end? There are no dead ends, only "U-Turns." Are you afraid of what money you don't have or are governed by? Put it into perspective and "stop making it more important than it is." Do you fear that the dream you are living is going to come crashing to an end? Well, at least you are living that dream. The list goes on, and Arianna makes it as easy as 1, 2, 3. On Becoming Fearless is more than a suggestion; it is the woman's instruction manual for living a happier, more fulfilling life. A life we all deserve.

If you are in need of a pep-talk, encouragement, or simply need a catalyst to keep you moving in the right direction, On Becoming Fearless … In Love, Work and Life is the weekend reading best fit for you, your mom, your friends and co-workers. Every woman will benefit from the positive, uplifting affirmations delivered in this book, and the words and quotes of so many great and ambitious women of our and our mother's generation set the tone for the ultimate goal - because all women can become fearless.

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