J.H. Sweet brings back the Fairy Team in another magical story telling of The Fairy Chronicles. In book two of the series, Dragonfly and the Web of Dreams, the reader revisits this magical world of fairies, gremlins, brownies, mystical spiders and even a cameo from the Sandman! But there is much more than magic happening in Dragonfly and the Web of Dreams.
One of the best points to make about The Fairy Chronicles is the way J.H. Sweet weaves lessons of environmental responsibility into the stories, without it seeming out of place. Jennifer Sommerset, also known as Dragonfly in her fairy form, is avid on the notion of recycling and reusing. From making sure her family has the proper recycling bins, to encouraging her neighbors to do their part, Jennifer goes above and beyond the environmentally conscious duties of all fairies. Jennifer is also known for her pamphlets, created wholly on her part, for ideas on how to reuse things like coffee cans and butter tubs. These are everyday examples of how easy it is to make the world a better place to live in, and young impressionable readers will be educated and inspired by these environmentally friendly messages.
Dragonfly and the Web of Dreams also delivers the important message of team work, as the Fairy Team and other characters introduced in the first book of the series work together to benefit all of mankind. Sometimes team work also means working with someone you don't know very well or have a misconception about, and Dragonfly and the Web of Dreams demonstrates to young readers how you really can't judge a book by its cover. The Dream Spider is a very large, furry creature that has a deep booming voice and is very intimidating by appearance. However, in the end, we see how even someone who seems to be dark or scary can actually do something helpful or produce something as mystically beautiful as the Web of Dreams.
J.H. Sweet has perfectly captured the right balance of magic and mystery with real life lessons of team work, environmental responsibility and open-mindedness. These are perfect lessons for the targeted audience, and Dragonfly and the Web of Dreams makes a great family reading session! The magical fairy world of The Fairy Chronicles takes everyone, from the young and the young at heart, into a place that is exciting to visit, over and over again.
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