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At The Family Reader, you will find family friendly book excerpts and reviews. The books featured here are books for all ages and all walks of life. Please feel free to post your comments about the books mentioned, as we would love to hear what you have to say about them, too!

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All reviews are written by and are the property of Rachael Towle. Additional information on books, including excerpts and images, are used with permission by the publicists. None of the articles used for this blog are to be used on any other website without permission.

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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Dark Places by Gillian Flynn

Dark Places was another book I picked up on my Kindle because it had a high star rating and I was looking for a new author to follow.  I had also read some great reviews about her newest book, Gone Girl: A Novel, but I wanted to purchase something that was less expensive (I'm cheap that way). 

Normally I read more paranormal books or books that fall into the young adult reading category, but I lept outside of my reading comfort zone to a darker, murder mystery.  I'm happy I did and look forward to reading more by Gillian Flynn. 

Dark Places is exactly what the title states.  Libby Day's family was murdered when she was a child and hasn't been able to grow into a fully-functioning adult.  She's run out of money and as a means to generate some cash, she teams up with a member from a local Kill Club (a group obsessed with famous crimes).  By involving herself with the Kill Club, she takes cash in exchange for information and leads to satisfy their cravings for facts on the murders so they can prove the innocence of Ben, Libby's brother who was accused of the crime and has spent his life in prison. 

Gillian Flynn writes the book from various perspectives, and does a great job at arranging the time line so it is completely fluid.  Libby's perspective provides us with the present-day account of her life and all its pitfalls.  When the past comes up, a chapter written in the perspective of either Libby's brother Ben, or her mother's, gives the reader insight into what was actually going on in the days before the murders.  Libby was a young child at the time, and the reader gets to see what Libby is missing and working to find out. 

The ending of the book wasn't predictable at all.  In fact, I was quite surprised and impressed by the twists and turns Flynn's writing takes.  Since I don't normally read Murder Mysteries, I can't really compare this to any others out there.  It truly does take the reader to some dark places, and for someone who is normally reading YA, paranormal stories, it was something I had to read a little at a time.  I truly did enjoy the book and when I'm ready to go down that path again, I will be picking up another Gillian Flynn book. 

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