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At The Family Reader, you will find family friendly book excerpts and reviews. The books featured here are books for all ages and all walks of life. Please feel free to post your comments about the books mentioned, as we would love to hear what you have to say about them, too!

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All reviews are written by and are the property of Rachael Towle. Additional information on books, including excerpts and images, are used with permission by the publicists. None of the articles used for this blog are to be used on any other website without permission.

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Wednesday, December 26, 2012


I good friend of mine presented me with Angelfall on my 36th Birthday.  Knowing what kinds of books I love, she took a leap of faith, having not read it herself. I'm so glad she did!

Angelfall is the first novel by writer Susan Ee and fits right into the YA books I seem to love so much.  Even though I had promised myself to stay away from all of the post-apocalyptic books out there (with December 21, 2012 coming and going without a bang), I immediately felt compelled to read the book after reviewing the book description. 

For those who've read The Hunger Games, you'll want to give Angelfall a read.  Angelfall's protagonist Penryn is reminiscent of Katniss.  Penryn is a caring, loving, protective daughter and sister whose mother has failed to live up to her motherly role, leaving her to protect her sister as their mother should.  She's strong willed and determined to help her family find a safe haven in a world that has been shattered by war.  In this case, their splintered world isn't decades after a man-made battle, it's only weeks after Angels have fallen from the skies, to completely obliterate the Earth as we know it. 

Without giving too much away, the book starts off with Penryn trying to escape her apartment with her mother and wheelchair bound sister.  They've been living as long as possible in an area that has become overwhelmed with street gangs, and during their attempted escape, Penryn's sister is taken by Angels.  She makes a deal with Raffe, an Angel whose wings were cut off, in hopes of finding her sister in exchange of finding someone to help Raffe reattach his wings.  On their journey to a location protected and inhabited by powerful Angels, they come across many obstacles, both humans and Angels, and they all discover there is much more to the post-apocalyptic world Earth has become. 

Shortly after reading Angelfall, I started following Susan Ee on Facebook. She was pleased to announce Angelfall becoming a movie in the near future. I can't wait to see Susan Ee's book brought to life on the big screen.  With all the action sequences and Angel wings flapping and flying, I expect it may even have a 3D release. Readers should also expect to see a sequel to the book in late 2013. I really hate having to wait this long, but I will be one of the first ones to purchase the book, and to see the movie. 

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