Welcome to The Family Reader!

At The Family Reader, you will find family friendly book excerpts and reviews. The books featured here are books for all ages and all walks of life. Please feel free to post your comments about the books mentioned, as we would love to hear what you have to say about them, too!

Special Notes

All reviews are written by and are the property of Rachael Towle. Additional information on books, including excerpts and images, are used with permission by the publicists. None of the articles used for this blog are to be used on any other website without permission.

Please contact me if you are interested in submitting a book for review.

Although this blog has not been updated in a while, traffic is still making its way to the site. I am always happy to accept new content from publicists and am willing to do a limited amount of book reviews.

Again, please contact me if you are interested in publicizing your books.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Lilly and Lucy's Shadow

From page one, it is easy to fall in love with Lilly and Lucy. I see myself and memories from the past playing out through the pages of this beautifully illustrated book. I then see my twin girls as younger versions of Lilly and Lucy. Just like the girls in the book, my girls have danced and played with their shadows.

Some stories really give you a warm feeling when you read them, and this is one of those stories. Regardless of gender, the story is identifiable by all readers of all ages. Christopher Aslan's writing style makes reading aloud easy because of the rhythm and flow of the words. Toddlers and preschoolers will definitely enjoy not only the story itself, but the sound and the pictures that go along. Early readers will be able to read along and identify the action verbs, which is very helpful for children like my first grader, whom is learning to read longer words.

Lilly and Lucy's Shadow is a great addition to your family bookshelf. Between the writing and the artistry, it's got at least a little something for everyone in your home!

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