Welcome to The Family Reader!

At The Family Reader, you will find family friendly book excerpts and reviews. The books featured here are books for all ages and all walks of life. Please feel free to post your comments about the books mentioned, as we would love to hear what you have to say about them, too!

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All reviews are written by and are the property of Rachael Towle. Additional information on books, including excerpts and images, are used with permission by the publicists. None of the articles used for this blog are to be used on any other website without permission.

Please contact me if you are interested in submitting a book for review.

Although this blog has not been updated in a while, traffic is still making its way to the site. I am always happy to accept new content from publicists and am willing to do a limited amount of book reviews.

Again, please contact me if you are interested in publicizing your books.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Dude, talk about awesome! Christopher Aslan's newest book, Dude, illustrated by Emily Mullock is another home-run hit. Dude is a pretty simple book with an even simpler concept, but the way it is carried out really makes Dude a book parents and kids are going to enjoy.

On each page, the Dude character is illustrated in a different situation, using the word "dude" to express his different feelings. We see everything from exhaustion and surprise, to awe and amazement. There are more than 25 different scenarios for Dude, and even more opportunities for you and your child to have fun saying "dude" in a rainbow of different ways.

My six year old son loves putting himself into the book, pretending to be Dude and then trying all the different voices Dude would use in each situation. My husband stands firm in his jealously in not having thought of this concept himself. Then, when I told my best friend about the book, she laughed and was amused and entertained by the idea. Simply put, this simple book brings so much to everyone!

This is the third book I've seen by Christopher Aslan and I already can't wait to see what he comes up with next. I think we are looking at another legendary children's author, to sit high with the likes of Dr. Seuss, Eric Carle and Sandra Boynton (just to name a few of our household favorites).

If you are interested in purchasing Dude by Christopher Aslan, visit Dude on Amazon.com to purchase your copy today!

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